Lab 05: Modelling course evals (Pt. 2)

Lab 05: Modelling course evals (Pt. 2)


  1. Documentation
  2. Lab 05: Modelling course evaluations
  3. Getting started with lab

Reminder to complete mid-course survey


Demo on how to utilize/read/understand R Documentation

Reminder: Data come from…

“Beauty in the classroom: instructors’ pulchritude and putative pedagogical productivity”

Daniel S. Hamermesh, Amy Parker, Beauty in the classroom: instructors pulchritude and putative pedagogical productivity, Economics of Education Review, Volume 24, Issue 4, August 2005.

Some notes on this lab

  • This is an extension of lab04. It may be worth briefly looking over that lab and/or the answer key to get that fresh in your mind prior to beginning this lab.
  • There are three parts. Ideally, you’d get through Exercise 12. We’ll be looking to see you’ve fit and interpreted models with multiple predictors.