Q: I was most confused about the differences between facet_wrap and facet_grid. I didn’t understand what made them so different
A: You’re right that they’re very similar and can even at times be used/coerced to do what the other does. Basically, if you want a 2D comparison (variable1 x variable2),facet_grid
. If you just want to break down the plots by a single variable,facet_wrap
Q: Will future HW assignments also include things that were not explicitly covered in class? For example, HW1 which was due last night, included concepts and materials that were just covered today.
A: Nope. That was my fault. We were behind where I intended to be. This will not be an issue going forward.
Q: can we plot data from 2 separate data frames somehow?
A: Not typically inggplot2
. Instead, data would have to be wrangled into the tidy format (single dataset) first.
Q: does filling= mean seperate and color by the value passed in, and we don’t need to assign color again? What if we don’t want color?
A: Fill indicates how to fill the plot with color. If you don’t want color, you wouldn’t use fill
Q: How we would do the second suggestion in how to visualize the brexit data differently?
A: We’ll do this together today!
Q: for datasets that are included in a library (like penguins one), could we read it into a df to see it in the environment? or is that redundant and we should only view it, use functions to see var names, etc
A: That would be ok!
Q: I was wondering where I can find all available themes.
A: https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/ggtheme.html
Q: I have heard about plotly before. I was wondering what will be its difference between this and ggplot?
A: There is a ggplotly package! Plotly enables interaction on top ofggplot2
Due Dates:
Introduction to Modern Statistics Chapter 4: Exploring Categorical Data
Introduction to Modern Statistics Chapter 5: Exploring Numerical Data
R4DS Chapter 22: Introduction to Modelling
R4DS Chapter 23: Model Basics
R4DS Chapter 24: Model Building
Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is an aproach to analyzing data sets to summarize and understand its main characteristics.
Often, this is visual….but the visuals do not have to be perfect. (Save that for communication)
Calculating summary statistics is also part of EDA.
Univariate data analysis - distribution of single variable
Bivariate data analysis - relationship between two variables
Multivariate data analysis - relationship between many variables at once, usually focusing on the relationship between two while conditioning for others
Numerical variables can be classified as continuous or discrete based on whether or not the variable can take on an infinite number of values or only non-negative whole numbers, respectively.
If the variable is categorical, we can determine if it is ordinal based on whether or not the levels have a natural ordering.
“The simple graph has brought more information to the data analyst’s mind than any other device.” — John Tukey
Data visualization is the creation and study of the visual representation of data.
There are many tools for visualizing data (R is one of them), and many approaches/systems within R for making data visualizations (ggplot2
is what we’ll continue to use).
EDA will involve making plots/visualizing your data
Source: Pierre-Antoine de Machy, Public Sale at the Hôtel Bullion, Musée Carnavalet, Paris (18th century)
Two paintings very rich in composition, of a beautiful execution, and whose merit is very remarkable, each 17 inches 3 lines high, 23 inches wide; the first, painted on wood, comes from the Cabinet of Madame la Comtesse de Verrue; it represents a departure for the hunt: it shows in the front a child on a white horse, a man who gives the horn to gather the dogs, a falconer and other figures nicely distributed across the width of the painting; two horses drinking from a fountain; on the right in the corner a lovely country house topped by a terrace, on which people are at the table, others who play instruments; trees and fabriques pleasantly enrich the background.
Rows: 1
Columns: 61
$ name <chr> "R1777-89a"
$ sale <chr> "R1777"
$ lot <chr> "89"
$ position <dbl> 0.3755274
$ dealer <chr> "R"
$ year <dbl> 1777
$ origin_author <chr> "D/FL"
$ origin_cat <chr> "D/FL"
$ school_pntg <chr> "D/FL"
$ diff_origin <dbl> 0
$ logprice <dbl> 8.575462
$ price <dbl> 5300
$ count <dbl> 1
$ subject <chr> "D\x8epart pour la chasse"
$ authorstandard <chr> "Wouwerman, Philips"
$ artistliving <dbl> 0
$ authorstyle <chr> NA
$ author <chr> "Philippe Wouwermans"
$ winningbidder <chr> "Langlier, Jacques for Poullain, Antoine"
$ winningbiddertype <chr> "DC"
$ endbuyer <chr> "C"
$ Interm <dbl> 1
$ type_intermed <chr> "D"
$ Height_in <dbl> 17.25
$ Width_in <dbl> 23
$ Surface_Rect <dbl> 396.75
$ Diam_in <dbl> NA
$ Surface_Rnd <dbl> NA
$ Shape <chr> "squ_rect"
$ Surface <dbl> 396.75
$ material <chr> "bois"
$ mat <chr> "b"
$ materialCat <chr> "wood"
$ quantity <dbl> 1
$ nfigures <dbl> 0
$ engraved <dbl> 0
$ original <dbl> 0
$ prevcoll <dbl> 1
$ othartist <dbl> 0
$ paired <dbl> 1
$ figures <dbl> 0
$ finished <dbl> 0
$ lrgfont <dbl> 0
$ relig <dbl> 0
$ landsALL <dbl> 1
$ lands_sc <dbl> 0
$ lands_elem <dbl> 1
$ lands_figs <dbl> 1
$ lands_ment <dbl> 0
$ arch <dbl> 1
$ mytho <dbl> 0
$ peasant <dbl> 0
$ othgenre <dbl> 0
$ singlefig <dbl> 0
$ portrait <dbl> 0
$ still_life <dbl> 0
$ discauth <dbl> 0
$ history <dbl> 0
$ allegory <dbl> 0
$ pastorale <dbl> 0
$ other <dbl> 0
Describing shapes of numerical distributions
), median (median
), mode (not always useful)range
), standard deviation (sd
), inter-quartile range (IQR
)❓ Which of the previous two bar plots is a more useful representation for visualizing the relationship between landscape and painting material?
❓ What else would you want to do/know to complete EDA?
🧠 Try to answer at least one thing you’d want to know from the dataset.
Use models to explain the relationship between variables and to make predictions
For now we focus on linear models (but remember there are other types of models too!)
EDA: Prices
❗ Describe the distribution of prices of paintings.
We can represent relationships between variables using functions
A function is a mathematical concept: the relationship between an output and one or more inputs.
y = 3 * 5 + 7 = 22
❗ Describe the relationship between height and width of paintings.
… without the measure of uncertainty around the line
… with different cosmetic choices for the line
❓ What does a negative residual mean? Which paintings on the plot have have negative residuals?
The plot below displays the relationship between height and width of paintings. It uses a lower alpha level for the points than the previous plots we looked at.
❓ What feature is apparent in this plot that was not (as) apparent in the previous plots? What might be the reason for this feature?
❓ How, if at all, does the relationship between width and height of paintings vary by whether or not they have any landscape elements?
is just as important as the model, if not more!
Statistics is the explanation of variation in the context of what remains unexplained.
The scatter suggests that there might be other factors that account for large parts of painting-to-painting variability, or perhaps just that randomness plays a big role.
Adding more explanatory variables to a model can sometimes usefully reduce the size of the scatter around the model. (We’ll talk more about this later.)
Explanation: Characterize the relationship between \(y\) and \(x\) via slopes for numerical explanatory variables or differences for categorical explanatory variables (Inference)
Prediction: Plug in \(x\), get the predicted \(y\) (Machine Learning)