Lab 03 - Data Visualization (Ans)


Sean Trott

Load packages


Load data

college_recent_grads <- read_csv("data/recent-grads.csv")
Rows: 173 Columns: 21
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr  (2): major, major_category
dbl (19): rank, major_code, total, sample_size, men, women, sharewomen, empl...

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
Rows: 173
Columns: 21
$ rank                        <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,…
$ major_code                  <dbl> 2419, 2416, 2415, 2417, 2405, 2418, 6202, …
$ major                       <chr> "Petroleum Engineering", "Mining And Miner…
$ major_category              <chr> "Engineering", "Engineering", "Engineering…
$ total                       <dbl> 2339, 756, 856, 1258, 32260, 2573, 3777, 1…
$ sample_size                 <dbl> 36, 7, 3, 16, 289, 17, 51, 10, 1029, 631, …
$ men                         <dbl> 2057, 679, 725, 1123, 21239, 2200, 2110, 8…
$ women                       <dbl> 282, 77, 131, 135, 11021, 373, 1667, 960, …
$ sharewomen                  <dbl> 0.1205643, 0.1018519, 0.1530374, 0.1073132…
$ employed                    <dbl> 1976, 640, 648, 758, 25694, 1857, 2912, 15…
$ employed_fulltime           <dbl> 1849, 556, 558, 1069, 23170, 2038, 2924, 1…
$ employed_parttime           <dbl> 270, 170, 133, 150, 5180, 264, 296, 553, 1…
$ employed_fulltime_yearround <dbl> 1207, 388, 340, 692, 16697, 1449, 2482, 82…
$ unemployed                  <dbl> 37, 85, 16, 40, 1672, 400, 308, 33, 4650, …
$ unemployment_rate           <dbl> 0.018380527, 0.117241379, 0.024096386, 0.0…
$ p25th                       <dbl> 95000, 55000, 50000, 43000, 50000, 50000, …
$ median                      <dbl> 110000, 75000, 73000, 70000, 65000, 65000,…
$ p75th                       <dbl> 125000, 90000, 105000, 80000, 75000, 10200…
$ college_jobs                <dbl> 1534, 350, 456, 529, 18314, 1142, 1768, 97…
$ non_college_jobs            <dbl> 364, 257, 176, 102, 4440, 657, 314, 500, 1…
$ low_wage_jobs               <dbl> 193, 50, 0, 0, 972, 244, 259, 220, 3253, 3…

Data wrangling and visualization

Which major has the lowest unemployment rate?

college_recent_grads |>
  arrange(unemployment_rate) |>
  select(rank, major, unemployment_rate)
# A tibble: 173 × 3
    rank major                                      unemployment_rate
   <dbl> <chr>                                                  <dbl>
 1    53 Mathematics And Computer Science                     0      
 2    74 Military Technologies                                0      
 3    84 Botany                                               0      
 4   113 Soil Science                                         0      
 5   121 Educational Administration And Supervision           0      
 6    15 Engineering Mechanics Physics And Science            0.00633
 7    20 Court Reporting                                      0.0117 
 8   120 Mathematics Teacher Education                        0.0162 
 9     1 Petroleum Engineering                                0.0184 
10    65 General Agriculture                                  0.0196 
# ℹ 163 more rows

Display only 4 decimal places using mutate and round:

college_recent_grads |>
  arrange(unemployment_rate) |>
  select(rank, major, unemployment_rate) |>
  mutate(unemployment_rate = round(unemployment_rate, digits = 4))
# A tibble: 173 × 3
    rank major                                      unemployment_rate
   <dbl> <chr>                                                  <dbl>
 1    53 Mathematics And Computer Science                      0     
 2    74 Military Technologies                                 0     
 3    84 Botany                                                0     
 4   113 Soil Science                                          0     
 5   121 Educational Administration And Supervision            0     
 6    15 Engineering Mechanics Physics And Science             0.0063
 7    20 Court Reporting                                       0.0117
 8   120 Mathematics Teacher Education                         0.0162
 9     1 Petroleum Engineering                                 0.0184
10    65 General Agriculture                                   0.0196
# ℹ 163 more rows

Display 2 scientific digits using options:

options(digits = 2)

Exercise 1

Which of these options, changing the input data or altering the number of digits displayed without touching the input data, is the better option? Explain your reasoning. Then, implement the option you chose.

I prefer the options approach because it will enforce consistency each time we display variables, without having to make the call to round each time (without changing the underlying data).

Which major has the highest percentage of women?

Exercise 2

Using what you’ve learned so far, arrange the data in descending order with respect to proportion of women in a major, and display only the major, the total number of people with major, and proportion of women. Show only the top 3 majors by adding head(3) at the end of the pipeline.

The sharewomen column lists the proportion of women in each major. So we can arrange our data in descending order using desc(sharewomen), then select the columns we want: major, total, and sharewomen. We then just display the top 3 majors using head(3).

college_recent_grads |>
  arrange(desc(sharewomen)) |>
  select(major, total, sharewomen) |>
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  major                                         total sharewomen
  <chr>                                         <dbl>      <dbl>
1 Early Childhood Education                     37589      0.969
2 Communication Disorders Sciences And Services 38279      0.968
3 Medical Assisting Services                    11123      0.928

How do the distributions of median income compare across major categories?

Exercise 3

Why do we often choose the median, rather than the mean, to describe the typical income of a group of people?

The mean is more affected by the presence of outliers and by the skew of the distribution. Thus, the presence of a single person with very high income can increase the mean substantively, such that it’s no longer a good impression of the overall distribution. In contrast, the median (or the “middle number”) tells us the income exactly in the middle of the distribution.

Exercise 4

Try binwidths of $1000 and $5000 and choose one. Explain your reasoning for your choice. Note that the binwidth is an argument for the geom_histogram function. So to specify a binwidth of $1000, you would use geom_histogram(binwidth = 1000).

ggplot(data = college_recent_grads, mapping = aes(x = median)) +

I ended up choosing binwidth=5000. When binwidth=1000, there were too many small differences in income that were thus not grouped together, and it was harder to see the overall shape of the distribution.

We can also calculate summary statistics for this distribution using the summarise function:

college_recent_grads |>
  summarise(min = min(median), max = max(median),
            mean = mean(median), med = median(median),
            sd = sd(median), 
            q1 = quantile(median, probs = 0.25),
            q3 = quantile(median, probs = 0.75))
# A tibble: 1 × 7
    min    max   mean   med     sd    q1    q3
  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 22000 110000 40151. 36000 11470. 33000 45000

Exercise 5

Based on the shape of the histogram you created in the previous exercise, determine which of these summary statistics is useful for describing the distribution. Write up your description (remember shape, center, spread, any unusual observations) and include the summary statistic output as well.

The underlying distribution of median incomes is somewhat right-skewed, with at least 1-2 majors making a lot of money. Because of this, I’m going to use the median median income.

It would be probably be fine to use the mean median income as well—judging by the distribution of median incomes in each major_category, which are relatively normal-ish.

Exercise 6

Plot the distribution of median income using a histogram, faceted by major_category. Use the binwidth you chose in the earlier exercise.

ggplot(data = college_recent_grads, mapping = aes(x = median)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 5000) +
  facet_wrap( ~ major_category, ncol = 4)

Exercise 7

Which major category has the highest typical (you’ll need to decide what this means) median income? Use the partial code below, filling it in with the appropriate statistic and function. Also note that we are looking for the highest statistic, so make sure to arrange in the correct direction.

college_recent_grads |>
  group_by(major_category) |>
  summarise(median = median(median)) |>
# A tibble: 16 × 2
   major_category                      median
   <chr>                                <dbl>
 1 Engineering                          57000
 2 Computers & Mathematics              45000
 3 Business                             40000
 4 Physical Sciences                    39500
 5 Social Science                       38000
 6 Biology & Life Science               36300
 7 Law & Public Policy                  36000
 8 Agriculture & Natural Resources      35000
 9 Communications & Journalism          35000
10 Health                               35000
11 Industrial Arts & Consumer Services  35000
12 Interdisciplinary                    35000
13 Education                            32750
14 Humanities & Liberal Arts            32000
15 Arts                                 30750
16 Psychology & Social Work             30000


Exercise 8

Which major category is the least popular in this sample? To answer this question we can take advantage of the total column:

college_recent_grads |>
  filter( == FALSE) |>
  group_by(major_category) |>
  summarise(popularity = sum(total)) |>
# A tibble: 16 × 2
   major_category                      popularity
   <chr>                                    <dbl>
 1 Interdisciplinary                        12296
 2 Agriculture & Natural Resources          75620
 3 Law & Public Policy                     179107
 4 Physical Sciences                       185479
 5 Industrial Arts & Consumer Services     229792
 6 Computers & Mathematics                 299008
 7 Arts                                    357130
 8 Communications & Journalism             392601
 9 Biology & Life Science                  453862
10 Health                                  463230
11 Psychology & Social Work                481007
12 Social Science                          529966
13 Engineering                             537583
14 Education                               559129
15 Humanities & Liberal Arts               713468
16 Business                               1302376

All STEM fields aren’t the same

First, let’s create a new vector called stem_categories that lists the major categories that are considered STEM fields.

stem_categories <- c("Biology & Life Science",
                     "Computers & Mathematics",
                     "Physical Sciences")

Then, we can use this to create a new variable in our data frame indicating whether a major is STEM or not.

college_recent_grads <- college_recent_grads |>
  mutate(major_type = case_when(
    major_category %in% stem_categories ~ "stem",
    TRUE ~ "not stem"

We can use the logical operators to also filter our data for STEM majors whose median earnings is less than median for all majors’s median earnings, which we found to be $36,000 earlier.

college_recent_grads |>
    major_type == "stem",
    median < median(college_recent_grads$median)
# A tibble: 10 × 22
    rank major_code major        major_category  total sample_size    men  women
   <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>        <chr>           <dbl>       <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
 1    93       1301 Environment… Biology & Lif…  25965         225  10787  15178
 2    98       5098 Multi-Disci… Physical Scie…  62052         427  27015  35037
 3   102       3608 Physiology   Biology & Lif…  22060          99   8422  13638
 4   106       2001 Communicati… Computers & M…  18035         208  11431   6604
 5   109       3611 Neuroscience Biology & Lif…  13663          53   4944   8719
 6   111       5002 Atmospheric… Physical Scie…   4043          32   2744   1299
 7   123       3699 Miscellaneo… Biology & Lif…  10706          63   4747   5959
 8   124       3600 Biology      Biology & Lif… 280709        1370 111762 168947
 9   133       3604 Ecology      Biology & Lif…   9154          86   3878   5276
10   169       3609 Zoology      Biology & Lif…   8409          47   3050   5359
# ℹ 14 more variables: sharewomen <dbl>, employed <dbl>,
#   employed_fulltime <dbl>, employed_parttime <dbl>,
#   employed_fulltime_yearround <dbl>, unemployed <dbl>,
#   unemployment_rate <dbl>, p25th <dbl>, median <dbl>, p75th <dbl>,
#   college_jobs <dbl>, non_college_jobs <dbl>, low_wage_jobs <dbl>,
#   major_type <chr>

Exercise 9

Which STEM majors have median salaries equal to or less than the median for all majors’s median earnings? Your output should only show the major name and median, 25th percentile, and 75th percentile earning for that major as and should be sorted such that the major with the highest median earning is on top.

college_recent_grads |>
    major_type == "stem",
    median < median(college_recent_grads$median)
  ) |>
  select(major, median, p25th, p75th) |>
# A tibble: 10 × 4
   major                                 median p25th p75th
   <chr>                                  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 Environmental Science                  35600 25000 40200
 2 Multi-Disciplinary Or General Science  35000 24000 50000
 3 Physiology                             35000 20000 50000
 4 Communication Technologies             35000 25000 45000
 5 Neuroscience                           35000 30000 44000
 6 Atmospheric Sciences And Meteorology   35000 28000 50000
 7 Miscellaneous Biology                  33500 23000 48000
 8 Biology                                33400 24000 45000
 9 Ecology                                33000 23000 42000
10 Zoology                                26000 20000 39000

What types of majors do women tend to major in?

Exercise 10

Create a scatterplot of median income vs. proportion of women in that major, colored by whether the major is in a STEM field or not. Describe the association between these three variables.

college_recent_grads |>
  drop_na(sharewomen) |> ## This will drop rows for which sharewomen has NA value
  ggplot(aes(x = median,
             y = sharewomen,
             color = major_type)) +
  geom_point(alpha = .6) +
  labs(x = "Median income for major",
       y = "Share of women in major",
       color = "STEM major?")

In general, there appears to be a negative relationship between median income and the proportion of women (sharewomen) in a major. Both variables are also correlated with major_type: stem majors tend to have a lower proportion of women (and lower median income), while not stem majors have a higher proportion (and higher median income).

(Note that the negative relationship with median income is somewhat clearer if log(median) is used instead.)